Compensation Package List

Surrogate Benefits Package List

1 Matching&Screening Bonus $350 Upon medical clearance with a valid match.
2 Base compensation Up to 70K Your base compensation will be determined based on experience and the state you are living in. The base comp will be paid in 10 installments, starting upon pregnancy heart beat confirmation.
3 Valid Insurance Bonus $2500 In the case that GC has a valid (surrogacy friendly) policy in place, she has the option for an additional comp of $2500 while the IPs wont be responsible for the insurance premium. Alternatively she can prefer to give up the extra comp while the IPs are responsible for the insurance premium.
4 Multiple pregnancy (Twins) $8000 If applicable, additional $8,000 for each additional pregnancy, paid in 8 installments.
5 Embryo Transfer Fee $1000 To reimburse inconvenience and sufferings caused by embryo transfer. It shall not be inclusive of associated travel, lodging, lost wages and per diem expenses.
6 Monthly Allowance $300 per month Non-accountable reimbursement to cover such things as local mileage, postage, telephone calls, faxing, non-prescription medication etc;
7 Maternity Clothing Allowance $800 $800 for single, $1200 for Twins. One time allowance. Paid at 12 weeks of pregnancy.
8 Invasive Procedures $800 For each amniocentesis (per sac insertion), CVS, therapeutic abortion, selective reduction, cerclage, ectopic pregnancy, D&C or D&E (after miscarriage) and any other surrogacy related invasive in utero procedure;
9 Rescheduled/Canceled Cycle Fee $500/$1500 $500 if the cycle is cancelled after the start of cycle injections through no intentional or negligent act of GC, and if the parties intend to proceed with a re-scheduled cycle; $1500 if the IPs decide not to proceed through no fault of GC after the cycle cancellation.
10 Mock Cycle allowance $350 Compensation for pain, suffering, and inconvenience after each mock cycle.
11 C-section fee $5000 For cesarean delivery, as compensation for pain, suffering and inconvenience
12 Life Insurance Policy $300,000 face amount IPs to pay the annual premium for life insurance policy of $300,000 face amount.
13 Childcare $100/day As needed. Not to exceed $100 per day or $500 per week. Not to exceel 4 weeks in total.
14 Lost Wages Reimbursement (GC) Varies Only applicable with acceptable wage verification and written physician’s verification regarding the medical necessity for work absence. *Employement and wages are subject to change at anytime throughout the surrogacy process.
15 Lost Wages Reimbursement (GC’s spouse/companion) Varies Only applicable with current pay stubs or other acceptable wage verification. *Employement and wages are subject to change at anytime throughout the surrogacy process. Cap for spouse or companion’s lost wages:$1500
16 Housekeeping $100/week Allowance for housekeeping during Physician Prescribed Bed Rest or Activity Restriction. Not to exceed 8 weeks for the whole process.
17 Loss of Reproductive Capacity. $5000/8000 $5000 for Loss of organs ( fallopian tube(s) and/or ovary(ies)) or partial hysterectomy, $8000 for complete hysterectomy
18 Pumping Breast milk $300 per week Only if requested by Intended Parents and agreed by GC, plus supplies+shipping
19 All travel arrangements
(Flights/bus/train/hotel/car service)
As needed Arranged by agency
(all expenses paid by Intended Parents). Hotel: no exceeding $325/night; Car rental: no exceeding $100/day.
20 Long Distance Mileage Reimbursement: $0.50/mile For long distance travel(>40 miles) using her own car; Not applicable for local mileage or rental cars
21 Meals/Gratuities/Incidentals $70 per day $70 to the GC and her companion respectively
22 Couceling reimbursement $200 per session $200 to compensate the GC. Not to exceed $2000 during the whole process
23 Independent Counceling Varies To cover the independent counceling from an attorney before entering the agreement.
24 Surrogate Retreat Wellness $500 A budget for a retreat wellness for GC and one companion
25 Gift Wellness Up to $300 In form of gift card for some specific events during pregnancy (e.g. birthday, Christmas)
26 Medical Insurance Varies Intended Parents are responsible for medical insurance premiums, deductibles and copays. (Except the case of Item 3 )
Total Package Value Conditions and restrictions may apply to some items.
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