

How much does a surrogate make?

Anywhere between 45k-80k,
depending on the state you live in and whether you are a first-time or an experienced surrogate.




We understand that each surrogate is special and each journey is unique.

We uphold that selflessness and commitment should be rewareded fairly.

We believe that the biggest reward is to bring a baby into the life of the loving parents.

Nothing is worth more than that!


Frequent Asked Questions

How does the compensation work?

You get paid/reimbursed throughout the whole journey, even before getting matched.

The package usually consists of 4 categories.

  • Base compensation.
  • Allowance/reimbursements before FET (embryo transfer) .
  • Payments during pregnancy. Monthly allowance, maternity clothing, child care, housekeeping, lost wages reimbursements, allowance for breast milk and more.
  • Additional benefits. You will also receive some non-monetary benefits such as legal counsel, psychological support, life insurance and more.

With FTS, your base compensation could range from $40000 to $70000. This is determined based on your residential state, your surrogacy experience, your overall profile evaluation and on. In general, an experience surrogate can make 10-20k more in the base compensation.

No. The base compensation will be disbursed in 10 installments throughout the pregnancy. The 1st installment will be paid upon the baby’s heartbeat confirmation.

No. All the travel expenses related to surrogacy will be covered by IPs. Furthermore, our team will taking care of all your trips to the clinic (medical screening, embryo transfer). We walk you through all the hotel booking, carrental, flight booking and so on. A smooth journey for both you and the IPs is what we work hard to ensure.


Why choosing FTS?

Start Right. Start Today. Start with FTS!