
Basic Requirements

You must meet all of the criteira below to be qualified.
    • Be 21 – 40 years old
    • Be a U.S. citizen/Green Card holder
    • Be a non-smoker in good health
    • BMI < 32  (Calculate your BMI using the tool on the right.→)
    • At least one live birth of own child
    • No premature births < 35weeks(unless a multiple pregnancy) 
    • Be willing to undergo subcutaneous and intramuscular injections
    • Be willing to undergo a background check (including your partner)
    • Be willing to undergo a psychological consultation
    • Be willing to travel to CA for embryo transferring

What If I...

Am I still eligible as a surrogate?

It’s not a “must-have” thing to hold a current medical insurance coverage for a surrogate mother. In fact, we will have to review your medical insurance policy even you do have a coverage. In many cases, your current insurance policy may not be surrogacy friendly anyway. That’s where we step in and help purchase a surrogacy friendly insurance plan for you (on behalf of the intended parents ). So that’s not an issue for you to worry about.

It’s not an immediate rejecting factor with our criteria, depending on how far it is over 30.

A BMI of 30~31 is still workable, as long as you are willing to lose a few pounds before the official match/screening. Usually there will be a few months to work on it from your application.

If your BMI is over 32, that’s a direct NO with us as it would be too hard to bring it down to the desired range in a few months.

Conditionally yes.

You will have to stop breastfeeding and resume your regular menstrual cycle to increase the chance for a successful embryo transfer. You may be able to keep breastfeeding during your application and initial screening process for surrogacy.

Maybe yes. Depending on whether there is a couple sharing the same thought with you on this topic.

In most cases the IPs would like to preserve the right of decision making on such occasions. Reduction or abortion don’t happen often, or let’s say it rarely happens especially given that the embryos being transferred are usually genetically tested normal. The main reason that the IPs should make such a decision lies in that they are the genetic parents of the baby and they are the one responsible to the baby for lifetime.


More likely YES.

No evidence shows that HPV would affect the baby’s develpment while pregnant.

It depends.

If you have a history of serious depression or a current depression diagnosis, it’s unlikely that you will be able to be a gestational carrier.

Sometimes, a woman’s history of depression stems from a specific situation: pregnancy and postpartum recovery.  We can work with candidates who had such situations and not currently taking medications.

For those who currently are taking prescribed antidepressants, unfortunately, we wont be able to proceed to prevent any unknow risks for the baby.

The answer is YES. Tubal ligation is one of the permanent birth control procedure. It’s a medical professional cuts, seals, bands, clamps or ties a woman’s fallopian tubes shut. This prevents eggs from traveling from the ovaries to the uterus, thus preventing future pregnancy. It’s a common type of female sterilization that can be completed rather quickly in a hospital or at an outpatient surgical clinic.

More importantlly, it wont affect the function of your uterus except you wont be able to produce eggs to conceive your own baby. And, some IVF clinics even have a preference on candidates who has had tutal ligation.

More than likely no.

If you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, it may be more difficult to control your blood glucose levels during pregnancy.

Likely yes.

Herpes (type 1 or 2) wouldnt affect the development of a baby. But in most cases the baby will go through C-section to prevent potential risks.

Likely no.

Preeclampsia is a condition that can cause high blood pressure, kidney damage and other problems that can be very dangerous to both you and the baby . If you’ve had preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy, you’re more likely to develop it again in later pregnancies.

Frequent Asked Questions

Are there any risks as a surrogate?

Our requirements are strict in order to protect the health of our potential surrogates and the newborns that they will give birth to. The risks associated with being a surrogate are typically the same risks as those associated with a traditional pregnancy.

How much do I make as a surro?

Our surrogates are well compensated. First-time surrogates in California are compensated $35,000-45,000, all other states are compensated $30,000-35,000, and experienced surrogates can earn as much as $60,000, or even more. For more information on surrogate compensation, please visit our compensation page which offers complete details.

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Will all of my expenses be covered?

There are no out of pocket expenses to our surrogates. If so, they are usually minor and you are always reimbursed for them. All necessary expenses for the transfer are covered. Should you need travel accommodations there is no out of pocket for that either. You will also receive a $200-250 monthly miscellaneous fee in order to assist with miscellaneous fees that you incur due to the surrogacy.

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Do I have to use my own eggs?

No. We only work with gestational carriers and not traditional surrogates. Being a gestational carrier means the Intended Parents use their own eggs or another donor for the eggs. A fully created embryo is transferred into to your uterus for you to carry and nurture for the next 9 months. There is no genetic or biological linkage to you and your genes.